Salo: Donald Trump teaches us a life lesson

Megan Salo

If you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months, you probably still know about the feud between President Trump and the ex-FBI director, James Comey. 

But in case you missed it, The Washington Post made this handy video on Trump and Comey’s relationship and here’s a very simplified short summary:

According to Comey, President Trump told him privately to drop the FBI investigation on the former national security advisor, Michael Flynn. Comey thought that that request was sketchy, so he wrote it all down in a memo. After Trump fired Comey, Comey leaked that memo to try to prove that Trump was trying to obstruct justice. 

“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Trump said according to Comey’s memo. “He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

Trump denies saying this along with basically everything Comey testified to, accusing him of lying under oath. Trump also suggested in a tweet that he had tapes of the conversation although this has not been confirmed or denied. 

One is definitely lying and only one can be telling the truth here, but who? 

“Public opinion polls seem to favor Comey,” said Mack Shelley, department chair of the political science program at Iowa State.

Because all of the evidence is based on Trump and Comey’s testimonies alone, it seems impossible to know the truth. Because of this, many are looking at the two’s character.

“If White House tapes exist, they may help to clarify the “he said, he said” discussion about who is the biggest liar,” said Shelley. “I’m inclined to believe Comey, if only because Trump has a well-established track record of lying about any number of things.”

For a comprehensive list of Trumps lies, click here.

Comey has been the director of the FBI since September 2013, serving under President Obama and President Trump. He was in charge of leading the investigation on the Hillary Clinton email scandal, the findings of which are said to have cost her the election.

Maybe Trump saw this as Comey being on his side – Comey previously identified as a Republican, is now an Independent and began his White House career under a Democrat president, so it’s hard to decide what political “side” he is on.

Maybe Trump thought that because Comey’s investigations had yielded positive results for him in the past, he could rely on him to continue that trend no matter the accuracy of the results. When he found that Comey wasn’t willing to do that, Trump cut him out of the equation completely. 

I don’t know everything about Comey or Trump and I don’t know their character besides what I’ve seen in the media, but compared to what I know about Trump, I agree with Shelley in saying that Comey seems to be an honest guy. Or at the very least, the most honest in this situation. 

I also believe that based on how Trump’s reasons for firing Comey have changed multiple times, Trump fired Comey because he didn’t get what he wanted. A belief that is shared by Shelley.

“As a CEO, Trump probably is used to barking orders and getting rid of any staff who don’t do exactly as directed (or who do follow instructions for actions that turn out to be disastrous—there always needs to be someone to blame when the leader screws up),” said Shelley in an email. “Neither he nor most of his close advisors have much practical experience in the governmental realm, so about all they can go on is corporate behavior patterns.”

But why does this matter? People get fired from their jobs all the time, so what? Why is a government slap fight of any concern to us? 

Because this could be the end of Donald Trump’s presidency. 

It’s a long ways off and there are a lot of pieces that would have to fall into place before that happens, but it could happen. 

Not because there is indisputable evidence against him, but because of his character. Because he hasn’t shown Americans that we can trust him. He has lied and he hasn’t kept the promises that got him elected or he keeps the promises just for the sake of saying that he delivered, even when it’s not the right move.

And because of this, he may be looking at a shortened term. 

So kids, the moral of the story is to always tell the truth, or you might get your future presidency taken from you.