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King Reza: Finding solace through music

Courtesy of: KJ Heath Photography
Mike Reza has had quite the journey after graduating from Iowa State. Recently, he released an EP titled “Ways.”
April 12, 2017
It is easy to see that Iowa State graduate Mike Reza is an artist in constant pursuit of his dreams. Since his graduation in 2011, Reza has used his talents to chase down goals.
Reza currently resides in Chicago as a hip-hop artist under the name of King Reza. Before this stage in his life though, he had to build up a career and overcome hardships.
Reza found music while he was in elementary school by joining choir in the fifth grade. He continued to sing all throughout high school, discovering hip-hop music and a talent for writing poetry.
As his high school years came to a close and a decision had to be made about his future, Reza did not initially plan to go to college. But after applying to Iowa State and receiving the Multicultural Vision Program Scholarship, he decided to give higher education a go.
In college, Reza pursued his acting interests and started to take music more seriously. Reza worked as a resident assistant in Friley Hall, where he started producing his own music. He wrote and recorded the song “Faded,” which he sold to Warner/Chappell Music.
“I sold it, and that was the moment I was like, ‘I can actually make money doing this stuff,’”Reza said.
With help from his professors, Reza gained confidence and had a new outlook on how to push himself to greater things. During his time at Iowa State, he participated in ISU Theater and the Statesmen Choir. His studies in drama and music eventually led him to create the King Reza personality, which he performs under today.
After college, Reza began to broaden his horizons by moving around. He said he moved to Chicago initially because he had family in the city and it was not too far from his hometown of Davenport, Iowa. But Chicago also had other benefits to offer, as it presented several start-up opportunities for his art and life.
“It’s a good start-up city for just building a fan base, building friendships and just building a life,” Reza said.
Reza’s moving around was not done yet though, as he lived in Los Angeles for a year and recorded with a band called The Core. While out West, Reza recalled that his life came to a halt as depression crept up on him.
“I went through a mental breakdown when I was out in L.A. I just kind of lost track of myself,” Reza said.
This influenced Reza to take his life and music back to Chicago, where his aunt helped him get back on his feet. Reza has struggled with hardships for a long time; he lost his father and grandfather in the same year at the age 6. But Reza said he is very open about his struggles and he uses his past and ongoing battles to help others.
In fact, in his latest EP, “Ways,” he speaks about trials in his life. He said that the songs on the record came out of a breakup with the first guy he had ever dated. Reza used music and the record as a way to help heal his broken heart.
“I just tried to find a way to come out of it stronger and it was music that got me there,” Reza said.
Depression is an ongoing battle, Reza said, but as life goes on, he is always looking for ways to find joy and stay happy.
“We all get upset. The fact is that some of us just happen to get a little more upset than others,” Reza said. “As long as you’re constantly working on your health … finding the joy in life as much as possible is the most important thing.”
As Reza continues to chase his dreams and follow in the footsteps of artists like Drake, Chance the Rapper and Childish Gambino, he wants to make his story known while showing off the joy he has found in life.
“That’s my goal moving forward … to be joyful and bring as much joy into people’s lives as I can,” Reza said.