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Student Government welcomes newly appointed officials
Kennedy DeRaedt/Iowa State Daily
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the new senators gave an oath at the first student government meeting of the term. The meeting was held on April 5 in the Campanile room in the Memorial Union.
April 5, 2017
The Campanile Room of the Memorial Union buzzed with the sound of conversation, sparking relationships, both old and new, among incumbents and newly appointed Student Government officials Wednesday.
Entering into the first session with the new administration and with the school year ending, Student Government discussed several outgoing efforts including the medical amnesty bill, proposed by Student Government President Cole Staudt.
The medical amnesty bill is still in the Iowa House of Representatives after it passed through the Senate in March, according to an update by Vice president-elect Cody Smith on behalf of Staudt.
The bill must be voted on and passed through the Iowa House before it is signed by Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad. If this process is completed, the bill will grant legal protection for students who are involved in a medical emergency due to alcohol consumption even if they are underage.
Staudt said he and president-elect Cody West were absent from Wednesday’s StuGov meeting due to lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C., on Capitol Hill on behalf of all Big 12 students on a number of issues.
They met with Iowa Sens. Chuck Grassley Grassley and Joni Ernst on Wednesday to discuss Iowa State Student Government’s stance on the subjects.
These issues include “sexual assault prevention, the higher education fund, and others“ according to Cody Smith’s update at the start of the meeting.
With a list of officials to elect during the meeting, and the expansion of several committees, Smith introduced himself to new members and called the meeting to order for the first time.
The entirety of the Senate, whether new or old, was sworn in, and open legislative, executive and committee leadership positions were discussed and filled.
All candidates for each position were given the opportunity to present themselves and their qualifications for the position, followed by questions from other senators to help influence voting decisions.
Voting for these nominees proved to be a challenge, as voting and re-voting commenced, due to the lack of a majority decision.
Legislative officials who were elected include:
Former IRHA Sen. Zoey Shipley as speaker of the Senate
Former IRHA Sen. Cody Woodruff as vice speaker of the Senate
Executive officials, nominated by West and Smith, and elected in the Senate include:
Former Interfraternity Council Sen. Steven Valentino as finance director
Former Clerk of the Senate Jacob Zirkelbach as chief of staff
Individuals elected to committee leadership positions include:
Former LAS Sen. Chelsea Eret as chair of the University Affairs Committee
Former Campustown Sen. Ian Steenhoek as chair of the Public Relations Committee
Other orders of business were the expansion of the University Affairs Committee and the Public Relations Committee, adding four positions to the UAC and three positions to the PR Committee.
This was done, in the case of the PR Committee, to “expand its members to include students from diverse backgrounds, majors, interests, etc.,” according to the bill, which was passed unanimously.