Students weigh in on spring car cleaning
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dirty and clean car
April 5, 2017
With spring finally here, it might be time to clean out the stuff that you have been accumulating in your car. Today, people have access to automated car washes, professionals who will clean the interior for free and basic tools needed to do it themselves.
We asked Iowa State students about their spring cleaning methods. Here’s what some students do to remove the clutter and dirt:
“Whenever I clean my car I always remember to clean under the seat because you’ll be surprised what you find down there.” – Gabby Bunge, sophomore in communications
“I take it to the car wash and don’t do the automatic. I do the soap and water with the high-power sprayer. Then I go home, take a towel and dry off the outside of it. If you don’t, it will water-spot, so you have to hand dry it. Then I’ll clean the rims, use Windex and alcohol to get all the windows inside and out. I will also wax the car on outside with Carnauba, a type of wax, and then vacuum the entire car and add interior dressing. All of this should take an hour if that.” – Ryan Hale, senior in management
“I will clean my car little by little. I’ll start by removing trash and any clothes from the car. After that, I’ll go back and vacuum it out if I’m feeling fancy.” – Katelyn Sim, senior in public relations and event management
“I usually take it somewhere to be washed. But when I go home during breaks my dad usually washes it and then vacuums and cleans the interior.” – Katie Holtkamp, senior in psychology
“I wash my car by hand or take it somewhere. Sometimes I just run it through the car wash so I don’t have to go out and do it.” – Brooke Neymeyer, senior in interdisciplinary studies
“I guess I would say you should always keep a bucket with a sponge and cleaning supplies in it. Always buy a long sponge cleaner thing to get the top of your car too. Sometimes regular soap can clean your tires, but generally I would suggest getting special tire cleaner. Lastly, I suggest soaking the car then washing and rinsing, and always use a towel to dry the car off so you avoid water spots.” – Erik Van Treeck, senior in management
“When I clean my car, I usually try to dedicate the entire day to it. If I’m at home, I’ll have my dad help me wash and wax it, and then we will clean out the inside just by taking the trash out and vacuuming it.” – Paige Phillips, junior in public relations