Ashley Green/Iowa State Daily
Iowa State President Steven Leath gives his remarks at the spring commencement ceremony on May 7 at Jack Trice stadium.
A new audit is questioning if Iowa State President Steven Leath broke campus policy regarding firearms by not receiving written approval for the storage and transportation of his firearms in campus housing and airplanes, according to the Associated Press.
Iowa State policy bans weapons, unless they were previously approved to be stored and transported, and requires written approval. A Board of Regents report says Leath was given verbal confirmation but has no written authorization.
Leath has brought his firearms to fundraising trips via university-owned planes multiple times and stores these firearms at the Knoll.
The audit was brought forward after a November blog post by Bleeding Heartland proposing that Leath’s hunting trips violated the policy.
The Associated Press reported that Iowa State said Leath believed written confirmation was necessary but couldn’t find it and is now in the process of obtaining proper documentation.