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Davina and the Vagabonds to perform during Winter Blues Fest
Courtesy of Garrett Born/ Davina and the Vagabonds
Davina and the Vagabonds will be performing at the Winter Blues Fest in Des Moines on Saturday, Feb. 11.
February 8, 2017
The Minneapolis-based group Davina and the Vagabonds will head out on tour to the west coast in a few months, and then to Europe in May.
Before that, Davina Sowers and her band will perform at the Winter Blues Fest in Des Moines for their first time this weekend.
Performing at music festivals with several acts on a bill can give artists unique opportunities. One of those, according to Sowers, is seeing other musicians perform.
With busy work schedules and several performances each year, artists do not always get the chance to stop and watch other shows. Sowers mentioned that this has been a challenge for her, and she enjoys catching other acts at events like this upcoming one.
“It [a music festival] gives me that opportunity to hear music,” Sowers said. “Musicians just don’t get to go out very often to hear music because they’re always playing music.”
Sowers said that there will be a few artists she has come into contact with before at the festival, including Brandon Santini from Tennessee, and Scottie Miller and Paul “Mayo” Mayasich, who are both from Minnesota.
Sowers mentioned that it felt exciting to see the group Hot Tamale and the Red Hots on the bill because they are a female-led band, just like her band is.
“Usually I’m the only female-fronted band, so it’s nice to have another one in the lineup,” Sowers said.
Being in the audience at festivals can provide the artists a moving experience as well. Seeing other musicians pursue their passion is something that Sowers looks forward to.
“It’s really nice to be able to be in the audience and see people doing what they love,” Sowers said. “It can inspire you on so many different levels: musically, professionally, emotionally and physically even.”
When it comes to playing at these festivals, musicians are presented with a different performance setup, as sometimes their sets are cut down to a shorter time.
“You can play what your favorite stuff is, and you get to pick and hand-polish what you want to play for the audience, because it is a more narrow set,” Sowers said.
No matter what the situation, Davina and the Vagabonds always give every show their all. Sowers said it is always important for her and the band to be themselves while performing.
“We never mail a show in, ever. I have a group of extremely talented guys,” Sowers said. “We just love to be ourselves, and ourselves, I think, will be the best way to approach any situation.”
Sowers has a lot coming her way, including the tour and the production of a new album.
Last year, she signed with Red House Records, and she has high hopes moving forward with them. She said working with this label was something she had pursued, as she respects their work ethic.
“What makes me excited about Red House is they’re very family-driven,” Sowers said. “It’s a smaller roster [of artists], I love that they’re from the Midwest, I love that they’re for the artist and they’re very down to earth and they’re hard workers.”
Music fans can watch Davina and the Vagabonds on Saturday of the festival at 10:15 p.m. in the Dubuque Room at the Des Moines Downtown Marriott.