5 ways people can live more sustainably in 2017


Recycling is a way that college students can live green.

Emily Clement

There are many ways people can live more sustainably in 2017, and the time to start is now. It’s easy for all people, especially college students, to forget about how the things they are throwing away or using are affecting the environment.

  1. Don’t throw away cardboard: most dorms have recycling options which allows for the paper or cardboard to be reused

  2. Use reusable coffee mugs: these can be purchased at many different stores around campus and are much more sustainable than the paper cups that are provided

  3. Use your own cloth bags instead of plastic ones: plastic is bad for the environment and the cloth bags can be purchased at any grocery store around campus

  4. Reuse or repurpose products when you can: you can swap products, donate products and resell items to consignment shops

  5. Use less water and electricity: this helps save water and energy and also leads to environmental and economical sustainability

Not following these steps can result in more damage to the environment than most people could ever imagine. The littlest changes can make the biggest difference.