Brase: 10 ridiculous dog products

Haley Brase

You thought dying your dogs fur was wild? Check out some of the crazies products for dogs and pet owners on the market!

1. Dog Highchair

I know the expression “dogs are humans too,” but having a high chair for your dog seems unnecessary. The highchair seems to make the dog feel like it’s really a part of the family, according to Totally Pets. It would have to be a very well behaved dog to willingly sit and not jump on top of the table to eat all of the food.

2. Poo Trap

Instead of having to pick up your dog’s poop, the poo trap is harnessed around the dog’s butt area with a bag attached ready to catch any droppings, reported by Totally Pets. The bag is only so big, and I could see it overflowing or if the dog moves, which most do, it would get onto the dog. In other words, you would have another mess to clean up off of your dog, unless you want dog poop all over your house from wherever the dog sits.

3. Puppy Tweets

Apparently dogs like to tweet about what they are doing. A USB wireless dongle would be attached to the computer and the Puppy Tweets device to the dog, and as the dog does an activity like runs, there are 500 tweets already made to automatically tweet, reported by Totally Pets. I do not need to have an update on my phone every time a dog licks its butt or drinks out of the toilet bowl.

4. Pawlish Nail Polish

After making your dog sit still, Pawlish nail polish is made to paint dog’s nails, according to Dartboard Media. If you had the idea you wanted to paint your dog’s nails, for some absurd reason, just use your own nail polish because it’s cheaper and will not harm them. Another idea is just not worry about painting your dog’s nails.

5. Pet Armoire

For the people that dress up their dogs in different outfits, Amber’s Amoire created a place to store clothing for pets, reported by Dartboard Media. I understand putting a dog in a sweater if they are small or have short hair to keep them warm, but let dogs be free. Their hair is their “outfit.”

6. Sexy Beast Perfume

Made for either male or female dog, Sexy Beast perfume is made to add a nice smell to your dog, according to Mental Floss. Dogs can stink, but just bathe your dogs. People try to cover up their body odor with more perfume and that doesn’t help, so don’t make your dog smell worse.

7. Rear Gear Butt Cover

A sticker can hang from a dog’s rear end to cover its butt when it poops, reported by Mental Floss. A dog pooping may not be the most attractive thing to watch, but no one poops attractively, and if you think you do, that’s odd. Animals do not have a choice about where they go. Most people have their pets go outside, so they are in an open space where people can see. We know they have to go sometime, and dangling a sticker from their tails probably is not comfortable for the dog.

8. Dog Coffee

There is coffee specially made for dogs called Brown Dog Java, reported by Reader’s Digest. Most dogs are already hyper enough, especially if they are puppies. I don’t think adding coffee to the mix is solving any problems.

9. Turd Burglar

Using dog poop, there is hockey stick with a plastic sleeve over the end making it easy to fling poop around, according to AOL Incorporated. What parent lets their child fling poop around for fun? Poop flinging means humans and dogs could be splattered with poop, and who wants to clean that up?

10. Dogone Doggy Thong

The material used to make the thong masks dog’s farts, so the air can smell better, reported by AOL Incorporated. Human’s fart and so do animals. It’s a natural thing so just let it be. A piece of cloth up a dog’s butt is not going to solve problems especially if the dog poops, then it would be like changing a diaper.