Ways to stay motivated


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As Iowa State transitioned to an online semester, students have said they struggled to find the motivation to keep up with their coursework. 

Casey Laktas

With winter and spring break behind us, it’s probably getting harder and harder to stay focused on school. This always seems to be the time of the year when studying becomes the most difficult and everyone would rather be hanging out outside and thinking about the upcoming summer. In case you are feeling unmotivated here are some ideas to help you stay focused and finish out these last few months with more ease.

  • Fight Procrastination: This seems to be a difficult thing for college students all year around. Unfortunately the more you wait, the harder it will be to stay or get ahead. So instead of forgetting to write that paper, do it as soon as possible and you will feel so much better.


  • Try Something New: Instead of watching netflix try an activity with friends that you have never done before. You can also set a day or two for every week where you and your friends go to the gym and play a game of volleyball or basketball. This is something to look forward to and you will also get your exercise in for the day.


  • Stick With Your Routine: After coming back from spring break you may want to change up your schedule but students thrive on structure and knowing what to expect. So sticking with your schedule can help with the motivation because it will be business as usual.


  • Reward Yourself: This is the perfect idea to motivate yourself because it gives you a more fun way to study. Set a goal for yourself, whether it’s for your GPA or for an exam, and if you achieve the goal then indulge in something you normally wouldn’t.


  • Stay Inspired: Not every single moment has to be focused on taking notes or learning the definitions. Try taking a walk outside and enjoy the fresh air. Finding an environment that helps with inspiration and creativity will make the rest of the semester go by so much faster.


  • Practice Time Management: Usually around this time students start to feel stressed and overwhelmed with all the work coming their way. Planning out your weeks can help you prioritize what needs to be done now and what can wait until tomorrow.

  • Relax: Students these days are juggling so much; between school work, jobs, clubs, and internships it seems impossible to get everything done. Knowing that tomorrow will come anyways sometimes relaxing and breathing is a great way to stay focused on what really matters and find the motivation to achieve what you want to achieve.