A woman was hit by a car at Lincoln Way and Beach Avenue on Thursday morning by an ISU student, said Jason Tuttle, investigation commanding officer with the Ames Police Department.
The woman was hit by a vehicle attempting to turn left onto Lincoln Way. The driver looked down at her phone to respond to a phone call when she hit the 20-year-old woman.
After hitting the woman, the driver reportedly stopped to help the woman.
The victim was taken to Mary Greeley Medical Center with minor injuries.
The police responded to the accident at about 10:30 a.m. and traffic was shut down on part of the roadway upon arrival.
Police are not releasing the name of the victim at this time.
The driver is being cited for failing to yield to a pedestrian, but was cooperative and felt bad about the incident.
“We’re thankful that the driver did the right thing and stopped,” Tuttle said. “We want people to not be distracted when they drive [and] be aware of [their] environment.”
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