Bored of being bored
The cold weather will be setting in, and with it getting dark out earlier, there is not much of an opportunity for activities outdoors. Some students feel trapped in their dorm rooms, helpless to find something fun to do.
To save everyone from being bored to tears, here are a few activities to do in your dorm:
1) Play a board or card game: students forget that even if you left Apples to Apples at home, your hall desk can offer quite a few board games. Reliving and reminiscing with friends the time spent playing board games as a child can be a good time.
2) Rearrange your room: if your roommate agrees, a change of scenery is exciting. Even though your room may feel small, changing up the furniture can make help make it seem bigger.
3) Binge watch Netflix: you may already be doing this alone, but getting out some popcorn and gathering some friends can turn into a fun and relaxing night.
4) Start a DIY project: whether it is a new cork board for your wall or a way to spice up an old T-shirt, Pinterest is full of unlimited ideas, no matter what project you would like to do!
5) Exercise: sure your roommate might watch you, but getting physical is better than laying in bed! Plus a few push ups and jumping jacks can stimulate your brain, and then you can think of an even better way to cure your boredom!
6) Order food: the dining center’s food starts to become unappealing fast. Order some Insomnia Cookies for a little treat!
7) Socialize: it is never too late to make a friend! Strike up a conversation with someone you have yet to meet in your building, you never know when an amazing new friendship will begin!