IRHA to provide Dead Week Treats

Kelsey Palmros

The Inter-residence Hall Association (IRHA) met Thursday, Nov. 19, to discuss resident hall happenings.

Vice President Weston Elias opened the IRHA weekly parliament meeting with a “guardian of the gavel question” in conjunction with roll call regarding favorite Thanksgiving foods.

Parliament members passed the “Funding Dead Week Treats” bill with no objections after a friendly amendment was made. IRHA will fund $1,000 worth of treats to be given out to resident hall students at Friley Residence Hall during dead week.

The first read of the Barton-Lyon-Freeman Residence hall proposed bill for IRHA funding the BLF ski trip which will occur on January 29, 2016. This ski trip will only be open for resident hall students that are in BLF and has been part of BLF for two years. This bill will be up for second read and discussion next week.

First read of the addition of a human Foosball to this year’s Dance Marathon proposed bill was brought to parliament with parliament members able to as questions of intent. Dance Marathon will occur on January 22-23, 2016. The bill proposed that $1,000 will go towards supplies and equipment to create the “human foosball”. It is estimated that a couple hundred residence hall students have attended in previous years. This bill will be up for second read next week as well.

Student government representatives reported on their meeting from Wednesday, Nov 18, 2015, with concerns from parliament members about the inability to go back and discuss with residence hall students before voting takes place was brought to attention. A call for a placker vote was granted for Student Government representatives to take into consideration.

IRHA and Student Government are independent of each other, and concerns and opinions can be brought to the last Student Government meeting, on December 3, 2015.