IRHA discussed upcoming events within the residence halls in their meeting Thursday Oct. 1, 2015.
Proposed Bills:
The first reading of the Freeman Haunted House occurred tonight and will be readdressed and discussed in the next meeting.
October 24 is the proposed date for the Freeman Hall Haunted House. The IRHA is planning on investing $500 from their discretionary fund to pay for decorations, makeup, paint, items for technical effects and advertising of this one-night event.
Drone Discussion:
Members of parliament also debated the current proposed banning of drones on campus.
Some senators argued that the drones are not banned on campus by the FAA regulation, but instead are discouraged.
The discussion included key points from both sides including privacy and safety concerns, information regarding regulations within the FAA and drones flying within 5 miles of an airport, as well as the ban of drones affecting current campus organizations that use them.
Upcoming Events:
The IRHA events committee discussed residence hall events that will be occurring during Fall Fest Oct 19-23.
A double Halloween feature dive-in movie featuring Hocus Pocus and Halloween Town on Monday, Oct. 19 at the State Gym pool. Blaster Ball will occur on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at East State Gym and Mental Game show on the following Wednesday. A cameral apple give away with 2000 apples and a dance will take place in Linden Hall on Friday, Oct. 23.
In addition to that, “spirit points” will be granted to the hall who hashtags the best pictures of residence hall students enjoying their time at Fall Fest. The photo will need to be uploaded to the IRHA Facebook page. The hall winner will receive $150 to spend however they choose.
Of the Month Awards:
The NRHH president, Caitlin Theros, explained to the senators the OTM award system that is designed to recognize accomplishments within the residence halls.
“We know that recognition is really important of success”, said Theros.
These recognition awards will be written by faculty, staff, IRHA members, and residence halls. Each award will vary with the allotted word limit and will be filled out at