As the weather gets chillier, the easier it seems to spend most of the time sleeping. There is definitely a lot less guilt in napping the day away when it can not be spent outside! Have you ever woken up from a dream confused as to what it means? Some dreams are said to have a deeper meaning to them.
Here are seven different dreams with the meanings behind them:
1.) “All my teeth fell out!” feeling anxious about your appearance? This could be the result of having this dream, because teeth are usually connected to attractiveness. It could also tell about fear of rejection, sexual inability, or fear of aging.
2.) “I was suddenly pregnant!” Apart of yourself or an aspect in your life is growing. You may be wanting to be creative in some way. Women literally create life in their bodies, so it can relate to starting a new project, big or small!
3.)”Being chased” You’re avoiding an issue or a person, instead of assessing your problems head on your unconsciousness is running from them.
4.) “I’m falling!” There may be something going on that you have no control over. You are feeling overwhelmed in some way. When falling asleep and your body physically twitches it is called a myoclonic jerk and is usually strong enough to wake you.
5.) “Being naked in public” While nude, people feel the most vulnerable, so it could draw a parallel to feeling helpless or taking your guards down. In your waking life, it could indicate that you are hiding behind something! Such as you are acting like someone you are not.
6.) “I died!” It could symbolize that part of you has died and a new beginning is around the corner. It is usually a good thing to dream about, because there is transformation and self-discovery on the horizon. If the dreams involves faking your death, you are taking control of your life.
7.) “I failed my test!” It connects to a lack of confidence. You worry about not making the grade or living up to the expectations of those around you. You also may be feeling guilty for not preparing for a real life exam.