The Inter-Residence Hall Association had a meeting Thursday to discuss upcoming events that other ISU organizations have requested the IRHA to help fund.
The issue of funding Philanthrofest was raised at the meeting.
The association continued to have concerns regarding how the funding potentially provided by IRHA would be dispersed, and amendments were made to the bill.
The discussion for Philanthrofest funding by IRHA exceeded the allotted time, and 45 minutes were added to the discussion.
Parliament members raised further questions regarding the fact that a basketball game falls at the same time the event would take place, as well as how the event would benefit residence hall students.
Other concerns that parliament members had included the bill violating bylaws and clarity within the budget.
The bill ultimately failed to pass, and IRHA will not fund Philanthrofest.
Guest speakers from the ISU student-run food pantry, Students Helping Our Peers, known as SHOP, spoke about its organization in the hope that parliament residence hall representatives would take the information that was provided back to their residence halls and disseminate it.
SHOP is an organization that celebrates its five year anniversary in February and is dedicated to helping students. The organization keeps student information anonymous while providing free canned food.
Friley Hall has already participated in a food drive, and SHOP hopes that in the future other residence halls will also donate food to the food pantry.
The IRHA also passed two bills. The Extra Life fundraising bill is a similar event to Dance Marathon, and the bill was passed with no discussion and a majority approval.
The Jingle Jog bill was also passed. Questions regarding Jingle Jog’s route and about the race itself were the only issues raised, and they were resolved with IRHA parliament members being directed to looking at a race map.
The association will revisit Cyclone Cinema, a bill that proposes additional IRHA funding to help maintain the ability of hosting Cyclone Cinema in two viewing areas instead of just one. This will occur in its next meeting.