Study break ideas
The middle of the semester is a dreaded time, a time full of exams and projects. If every student actually applies the 2 hours of study to every hour spent in class ratio, its easy to reach your breaking point. While studying is important, it does not hurt to give your brain a break every once in a while.
The hardest part of taking study breaks is ending the break and getting back to work, but here are 6 study break ideas:
1.) Go for a walk, before the temperature gets too outrageously cold to stand outside for more than five minutes, enjoy it! We live on a beautiful campus that deserves to be admired. So grab some shoes and take a nice stroll. A little fresh air never hurt anybody, especially if you’ve had your nose in a textbook or computer for the last few hours.
2.) Watch ONE episode on Netflix. Notice how I said “one” so when Netflix asks if you would like to continue watching, exit the website and hit the books!
3.) Read an article or a chapter in a book that is not related to your class material. Reading about topics you are actually interested in is immensely easier than reading content that can feel like another language (some actually may be reading in another language).
4.) Eat a healthy snack, like cutting up an apple and dipping the slices in peanut butter. I would not recommend an entire bag of chips!
5.) Exercise! Why not work out mentally and physically? A few jumping jacks and squats could help your physique and stimulate your brain.
6.) Call a friend. Sometimes after you’ve been studying for hours you start to feel disconnected from society, and catching up with loved ones is never a bad idea.