Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Maintain this position for 30 seconds or more to complete a vertical plank exercise.

Kelsey Palmros

With school back in session, time is limited for many students. But maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be done with these five, quick exercises.

Note that each exercise should be repeated in three sets of 20 reps and that 20 reps could be too challenging or too easy. These are realistic guidelines for a starting point. If you want an added challenge, try 10 minutes of cardio such as running or jogging before beginning these exercises.

Military pushups: While keeping your arms tucked in toward your side and your body in a straight plank position, bend at the elbow, letting your chest just barely touch the ground and then push back up, straightening you arms. If a plank position is too difficult, drop to your knees.

Jump squats: Start in a squat position. As you begin to stand up add a jump before returning to the starting position. Use your arms to stabilize yourself by swinging them as you jump. If a jump squat is too challenging, start with a squat and add a heel raise after you extend your legs back up to standing position.

Vertical toe touches: Lying on the ground with your legs raised vertically in the air, raise your shoulders and head to touch your fingertips to your toes.

Plank: Start in a pushup extended position then drop to your forearms. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds. Remember to keep your body in a straight line and to not drop your chest or raise your butt in the air.

Triceps dip: Find a chair or similar object that has a sturdy edge to grip. Face away from the object, with arms bent at a 90-degree angle. Extend your legs in front of your body while balancing on your heels and begin to slowly straighten your arms.