Matt Easton to perform Friday at M-Shop

Courtesy of Student Union Board
Matt Easton performs at 9 p.m. Friday the Maintenance Shop in the Memorial Union.
September 14, 2015
Alternative hip-hop artist Matt Easton is on a musical journey with an unknown destination. From learning the piano by ear to opening for names such as Timeflies and Asher Roth, Easton has made leaps in his musical exploration.
Easton began playing music as a young child, but he never expected his hobby to evolve into a career.
“It was freshman year in college with producing and making beats that I would listen to old records that I wanted to loop and turn into hip-hop,” Easton said. “I started putting out my own songs and slowly got more into piano and after came guitar. It was really easy for me to learn to play instruments.”
Easton said he was surrounded by music at a young age with his father playing the piano, but he also had other interests. He was a lacrosse player in high school and focused on his studies.
Easton discovered his love of producing music during his time at the University of Kansas. There, he created and recorded his first album, “Intro to Public Speaking.”
“It was an experimental project,” Easton said. “I had no intention that this was going to be what I was going to pursue and basically made some original beats and wrote some lyrics that had to do with my everyday life.”
The album was well received on the Internet, and by 2014 Easton had more than 7,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel.
Now that Easton has graduated, he is putting all of his energy into his musical career. He said music means more to him now that producing and performing are his main focuses.
“Something about having a mic in my hand, I love it,” Easton said. “It’s fun getting a reaction from the crowd. Since I was a little kid I’ve wanted to show off and be the center of attention and have everyone appreciate what I’m doing.”
Easton said rocking guitar solos and live impromptu beats are what is in store for ISU students when he performs Friday at the Maintenance Shop. He said he is excited about the set because a lot of people have not seen live instrumentation with hip-hop.
Natasha Porizkova, co-director of the M-Shop, said a lot of people on Iowa State’s campus enjoy Easton’s musical style.
“His song ‘Live Life’ was popular in 2010, so we’re hoping people will come out for that,” Porizkova said.
Easton will perform at 9 p.m. Friday at the M-Shop. Doors open at 8:30 p.m.
Tickets are $8 with an ISU student ID and $12 for the public, with a $2 increase on the day of the show. Tickets can be purchased at the M-shop or online at Midwestix.
For more information, visit the M-Shop’s website.