Student Governement Senate approves Robert’s Rules law
September 10, 2015
The Student Government Senate unanimously updated policy regarding Robert’s Rules of Order, allowing the Senate to use the most up-to-date version at its Wednesday meeting.
Robert’s Rules is the body of law that is adopted by an assembly or governing body in a parliamentary system.
The Student Government bylaw stated that the Senate would use the 10th edition of Robert’s Rules. However, the 11th edition was published in September 2011.
Sen. Cole Button said the bill would strike the byline that states the Senate would use the 10th edition of the book. Instead, the law would state that the Senate would use the most updated version of the rules.
Button said this bill would not cost the Senate anything, because there would only need to be one copy of the book available.
“It would just mean if we have [the] 11th edition, we’d go by that; if we have the 10th, we’d go by that and so on,” Button said.
Vice Speaker of the Senate Michael Snook said he supported the bill.
“I think it’s a great bill actually,” Snook said. “I like how we’ll never have to update [the law] again.”
The Senate currently has access to the newest edition to Robert’s Rules and will use that as a guide during its assemblies.
Student Government Senate also seated new members to the organization at the Wednesday event meeting, including three new members of the Senate.
Meredith Cook, senior in political science, was unanimously named as a senator for the United Residents Off Campus seat after a unanimous vote from the senators.
“Iowa State has always been a big part of my life,” Cook said. “I thought it was time to get involved and make the university a better place.”
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) seat was also filled by Anthony Hansen, senior in biology. Hansen was voted into the seat, 30 to 0.
Hansen said because of the diversity of his friends in the biology and animal science majors, he is a good candidate for the position.
Jamie Rix, junior in public relations and political science, was seated as a senator representing Campustown with a no-opposition vote from the Senate.
Rix said she had been involved with the resolution to bring Uber to Ames, which made her a good person for the job.
Will Donahoe, junior in computer science, was also confirmed by the senators as an associate justice of the Supreme Court.
President Dan Breitbarth nominated Donahoe, and senators approved his seat after a unanimous vote.
Meredith Cook and Dylan Snyder were also seated onto the Senate’s University Affairs Committee and Cody West was approved for the Public Relations Committee.