What’s going on?
At the Aug. 26 Ames City Council meeting, council members approved an agreement with Iowa State to fund the renovation of the Ames Municipal Airport.
The renovations to the airport include a new terminal, hanger and other site improvements.
The airport was built in 1972 and last renovated in 1997.
“Our existing terminal building is not a building that impresses anyone,” said Warren Madden, senior vice president for business and finance. “If you have a chance to go to any of the schools we’re competing with, the current building is not a building that helps sell and market Ames and Iowa State.”
How much?
Both Iowa State and City Council will each provide $250,000 for the project.
The benefits?
With the ISU Research Park in close proximity, university officials hope it will encourage more executives to visit the facility.
ISU students interested in flight training may have the opportunity to utilize the airport.
“We see this project benefiting a number of university-related activities,” Madden said.