What I and/or we need to do more often

Shelby Kramer

Wash bedding

I’m sure I should be doing this much more often than I have been, but I’m just so lazy. We all do difficult things throughout the week, but I’m not sure why I see re-dressing my bed as such a hassle. It’s one of those things I doubt I’ll ever motivate myself to do regularly.

Clean water bottles

I don’t know about anyone else, but my water bottle seems to grow little mold stuff too often. It might be because I constantly have it with me, whether it’s hot or cold where I am. Just keep in mind that mold can make you sick, so make sure you wash both your water bottle and coffee mug often.

Go through clothing

There are so many siblings and less fortunate that could use those old tank tops you never wear. If you don’t see yourself wearing it tomorrow, toss it in a pile and donate it to someone that might. I have entirely too many clothes to pack when I move, so a purge is bound to go down soon.

Replace loofahs

The replacement times for loofahs are just ridiculous. As far as I’ve researched, you should replace it about every three weeks. Maybe others are different, but I’ve always only replaced my loofah once it starts falling apart. Yuck, apparently. Bacteria and other nasty stuff can grow on loofahs, though, so this is pretty important.

Use up the old stuff in the pantry

I’m so guilty of buying extra and shoving it into the back of the shelves then buying new when I want to make something even though I already have the ingredients that have been aging in the back of my pantry. Try to think of recipes right then and there, while you’re looking into your pantry, so you can use up the old and bring in the new. Stuff does have expiration dates, and there’s no need to spend that much more money on already pricey groceries.



Delete old pictures

I’m such a picture hoarder. I take tons of pictures for every event in my life, and this picture taking often starts bogging down my phone. I’ve been working on it, but I need to start picking and choosing which pictures I want to save and upload them to my laptop then deleting them off my phone.

Purge the fridge

This follow the same concept as the pantry. Having roommates can be difficult to start, and things only get more difficult with fights over fridge space. Do your best to keep the essentials. Chuck the old stuff and what you can’t see yourself using in the next couple weeks.