Rogers: Conservatives lost the culture war

Clay Rogers

The culture war ended many years ago. The rout is complete, and all that’s left are victorious liberals walking the field executing the wounded Reaganites as they beg for mercy. The immediate capitulation of the Indiana and Arkansas governments over the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” is evidence of just how feeble conservatism has become. The last time Democrats beat Republicans this bad was when Lee whipped Hooker at Chancellorsville.

Even when Pat Buchanan delivered his culture war speech in 1992, the battle had already been lost. Antonio Gramsci’s long march through the institutions had already turned the tide against the old order. First, the religious front collapsed and those on the abortion front withdrew. Next, the garrison of patriotism was massacred and finally, the nucleus of civilization, the family, died.

Christianity, the uniting force behind western man, has been ground to dust beneath the heel of “progress.” The death of Christianity in the West means there is no longer an agreed upon moral philosophy. What was once right can now become wrong, and what was once wrong can now become right.

The Stalingrad of the culture war is the issue of homosexual marriage. Both factions pour their resources into this violent conflagration and no matter who wins, neither side gains much. Until a few years ago, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden were all against homosexual marriage. What made them change their minds? Did their idea of morality and marriage change? Or are they opportunists who saw the poll numbers shift?

The latest massacre of conservatives in the culture war took place in Indiana where the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” was passed. Within a few days, the authors did a cowardly backflip and changed the law. The law was originally meant to protect religious business owners from being forced to provide services that violate their religious principles.

Many were afraid that the RFRA would lead to “Jim Crow” style segregation of homosexuals. The law simply asserts religious freedom, the unpopular principle that brought the first pilgrims. There is actually a new tyranny forming, one in which those who believe that homosexual marriage should not take place will be increasingly harassed and persecuted as monsters, just as homosexuals once were.

A family owned pizza restaurant in Walkerton, Ind. was forced to close after the owner stated they would not cater to a homosexual wedding because it violates their religious principles. The “tolerant” side responded by threatening to fire bomb and murder the family for their beliefs. Hypocrisy? I think so.

During his surrender ceremony, Gov. Mike Pence displayed some of the most shameful groveling I’ve ever seen. Elected representatives should not make policy based on the chants and jingles of a mob outside the state capital. If this Republican legislature in Indiana really had problems with the original law then why did they pass it in the first place? It’s terrifying that our statesmen are so easily bullied by shouts and jeers.

This too shall come to pass, but the final result of the culture war has been to make conservatism the counterculture. When a political group exists in the minority, it radicalizes. Conservatives now seek out Adam Smith and Thomas Sowell in the same way liberals once sought out Marx and Engels. The roles have actually reversed but the vernacular hasn’t. The 20th century’s revolutionaries are now the conservatives, and the conservatives are now the 21st century’s revolutionaries.

Such revolutions have occurred before, so don’t think it’s all hopeless. After 70 years of communism, the Russians managed to re-establish the Orthodox faith. The French Revolution was almost completely reversed by the religious revival of the Victorian period.

The rise of libertarianism is a direct result of the new liberal majority. Libertarianism is really a radical manifestation of conservative ideology, where personal liberty is taken to the very extremes, regardless of the consequences. I know this because I was once an Ayn Rand reading libertarian nut job myself.

The culture war thankfully was not a civil war. Although my side lost completely and utterly, I wasn’t guillotined to death in the street. In a civilized society, these transformations of culture should occur this way. Our music is now trash, our art grotesque, our language debased, our borders gone, our religion dead and our men emasculated, but it all came on us, more or less, peacefully.

Easter marks the occurrence of another revolution of sorts, so I’ll end with what Maj. Gen. James Stewart once said, “The lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for.”