Letter: Lecture offers refreshing perspective

The lecture given by Katie Pavlich on March 10th was refreshing and Incredibly helpful to the well-being and safety of Iowa State Universities’ women.
In response to the opinion piece by Maggie Fischer, I find it appalling that you will stand upon the terrible experiences of some of Iowa State Universities’ women to push your gun control agenda. I was at the lecture, as I presume you were, and at no time did I hear Pavlich speak rudely to an individual asking a question because of their experiences. However, I did see her become incredibly frustrated by the fact that many of the audience members appeared to not have listened to a word that was said and asked repeating questions. 
On this issue, and many more for that matter, with you I disagree heavily. This might come as a rude awakening; no matter how hard you try, there will always be bad people doing bad things. I can tell, teach, and train a bad person to not to bad things, but at the end of the day I can’t stop them from doing bad things. At times, though undesirable, only my good friends Smith and Wesson can provide the encouragement necessary to stop a bad person from from doing a bad thing like raping a woman. Even if a woman happens to know a bad person, it doesn’t somehow make it okay for that bad person to rape her. 
Feminist terms can be made up to try and mask this fact of human life but the statement I made holds true. “There will always be bad people doing bad things.”
I absolutely do not condone an act of sexual assault, but you and the people like you have shown that no matter how many awareness campaigns we embark upon, bad people keep doing bad things. Its time to get down to brass tacks and fix this problem. I want to make sure women have access to all the tools they can possibly use to protect themselves. 
I and the people like me will be working to make concealed-carry on campus be realized. I and the people like me will be working to make taking a self-defense class the norm. I and the people like me will never stop until women are no longer discriminated against and forced to be victims by you and the people like you.