Brian Mozey/Iowa State Daily
Many seats were filled for the GSB presidential debate Feb. 26 at the Multicultural Center of the Memorial Union. The crowd was able to ask questions at the end of the debate for the last five minutes.
The Government of the Student Body election has officially kicked off.
ISU students have the opportunity to vote March 3 and 4 for their next president and vice president of GSB, as well as the senators who will represent them.
Students can vote during the election period in two ways — online and at a polling booth.
By using their net ID and password, students can vote for senators and the executive slate at vote.iastate.edu.
Three polling booths have also been set up at Parks Library, Conversations and UDCC.
The Parks Library booth is open Tuesday and Wednesday from 1 to 5 p.m. The Conversations and UDCC booths are open both days from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
The GSB Public Relations Committee encouraged students to vote by giving free hand-outs, including a $1 off dining voucher, cozies and candy, to the first 200 students at each booth.
The UDCC and Library voting booths had about 30 students total who voted by 1:30 p.m Tuesday.
Alex Rodgers, election commissioner for GSB, said the voter turnout has already been improved from last year, which was less than 10 percent.
“I think we can hit 15 percent this year,” Rodgers said. “From just talking with candidates and the election commission, I think everyone is confident we’ll reach 15 percent.”
Rodgers said his job has been made easier by the candidates.
“We’ve had two great campaigns that are promoting themselves really well,” Rodgers said. “They’re prompting GSB and getting people to talk about the issues. That’s what we need for people to realize we’re here to help them and vote however they feel.”
GSB is also using this vote to decide on a rebranding of the organization. Instead of the Government of the Student Body, it would be called Student Government.
Voting will officially close Wednesday night at midnight.