Letter: Respect opposing views

Contrary to what Ms. Maggie Fischer wrote in regards to Ms. Katie Pavlich lecture on “Sexual Assault on Campus”, the facts of what really happened are in stark contrast to the vitriol that Ms. Fischer et al. are disseminating through letters to the editor and on social media such as Twitter. 

First, the Committee on Lectures brings in a diverse group of speakers to campus, which is rare on most college campuses where the radical Left dominates the lecture circuit, whole academic departments, and student leadership. Iowa State University is vastly different. To say that the Lectures Committee should only select views that are politically correct makes a complete mockery of an institution of higher learning.

Secondly, nowhere in Katie Pavlich’s talk did she say that “just killing the rapist” was the solution for sexual assault. The main argument was to add the choice for both women and men, students and faculty/administrators to be able to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights on campus if they so choose for themselves. The message was about empowering the individual to make the choice for themselves rather than having campus bureaucrats, anti-gun zealots, and childish feminist groups making the choice for that individual. One of the organizers of the purple clad mob, was quoted in the Ames Tribune, charging Ms. Pavlich with “victim blaming” and being a perpetrator of “rape culture and patriarchy.” The only thing that was demonstrated was the organizers being devoid of reality.

Finally, while I will agree that the survivors who were allowed to speak were brave and should be commended for their courage, there were other survivors of sexual assault, including other child abuse survivors who were not able to speak because the anti-Pavlich purple mob wanted to show off their immaturity. As someone who was sitting in the front row of the lecture, I never witnessed Ms. Pavlich roll her eyes, or be rude to anyone. On multiple occasions, when she was attempting to answer a question, she was interrupted. That was when she would move on to another question. As a Cyclone, I am truly embarrassed at the behavior of this group who chose to show their immaturity on full display and could not give respect to anyone they disagreed with.

However, those of us who worked hard to bring Ms. Pavlich will not be moved or intimidated! Ms. Pavlich offered a perspective that was different yet empowering. From perusing social media, I have encountered numerous attendees who are taking their safety into their own hands and refuse to be victims! Thank you to the College Republicans, Young America’s Foundation and the Committee on Lectures for promoting true diversity at Iowa State University. Despite the whining of the campus feminists, Ms. Pavlich showed that one does not have to buy into the Left’s victimhood narrative and as an individual armed with truth and taking responsibility for oneself; only then can we be liberated! #Fightback