Studying while listening to music

Sierra Pruiett

Sitting down to study, do homework, or even read can be a difficult task for students with an over-active mind. Listening to music while attempting these tasks could be a helpful way to lessen stress and anxiety in order to focus better.

Some music can be more distracting than others when working on something like homework, but the key is experimentation and knowing how to make the most of the time spent studying. 

The first step is choosing music without lyrics. Words are distracting and do not allow the brain to focus on the task at hand but rather the voices in their headphones, according to Sofia Castello with USA Today. There are many different genres of music without lyrics and not all of it is classical. The easiest way to find effective study music is to simply search for it on YouTube.

The next step is choosing a comfortable place to study and volume for the music. According to Arielle S. Dolegui of Student Pulse, listening to loud music is not an effective way to study, which is why finding a quiet place is still eminent even when studying with music. This is because sitting in a crowded room may cause students to listen to their music at a high volume in order to drown out the noise around them.

The final step is to get to work. The only way to find out whether or not music aids in studying is to try it out.