Quick facts about mariachi music you were too afraid to ask

Berenice Liborio

  1. Mariachi is a musical genre that originated in the 19th century in Mexico.
  2. It is native to the region of Western Mexico.
  3. Mariachis have no lead singers. People are assigned to a different song based on their talents and personality.
  4. The outfits consist of a belt, wide bow, sombrero, short boots, pants and jacket.
  5. Their songs speak about machismo, love, betrayal, death, politics, animals and revolutionary heroes.
  6. Mariachi also includes regional dances.
  7. Mariachis are commonly hired for baptisms, weddings, patriotic holidays, funerals and serenatas — serenades.
  8. Mariachi music has even been incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church’s most sacred ritual.
  9. Mariachi is listed as a one of seven on a list of intangible Cultural Heritages by UNESCO.

Click here to read about how a few ISU students are bringing Mariachi music to Iowa State.