Ames Public Library to host art and music festival
The Ames Public Library will feature art performances and have art pieces on display during the Black Arts and Music Festival in February.
October 16, 2019
In February, the Ames Public Library is hosting the Black Arts and Music Festival to increase awareness and appreciation of African and African American visual and performing artists in the community.
Youth of high school age and adult artists from Iowa State and the Ames community are invited to submit up to 10 original works of visual art or three recorded original songs or pieces for display/performance during the festival.
Artists and performers are able to submit until 11:59 p.m. Oct. 31. They will be notified of their acceptance via email by Dec. 6.
The Black Arts and Music Festival is a two-day, family-friendly event sponsored by the Ames Public Library Friends Foundation and hosted by Ames Public Library, Ames Branch of the NAACP, Ames Public Arts Commission, Ames Community Arts Council, Iowa State College of Design and Iowa State Office of Diversity and Inclusion to celebrate and promote greater awareness and appreciation of the artistic and cultural contributions of African and African American visual and performing artists in the community.
The festival will take place Feb. 8 and Feb. 9 at the Ames Public Library during the library’s regular open hours, while the art will be displayed from Feb. 2 to Feb. 15.
According to a press release, the library said the goal of the weekend of events is to uplift the voices of underrepresented community members by showcasing and celebrating the talents and community contributions of African and African American visual artists and performers, promoting cultural awareness of African and African American arts and experiences, fostering civic engagement and discourse and strengthening relationships with community and university partners.
To apply as a performer go to the Ames Public Library’s website.
Performances might include spoken word/poetry, dances, singing or music.
As part of the performing artist application, the selection committee will review three recorded songs or pieces sent in by the artist. Artists will be required to arrive at a predesignated time based on the schedule of events.
As part of the application, the Ames Public Library said it requires promotional materials including photographs, videos or cover art and reserves the right to use these materials for publicity.
An 18 foot by 8 foot stage will be in place for all acts, and performances may last up to 45 minutes. The library said it will offer sound engineering and amplification for the performances as needed and reserves the right to record performances and presentations for promotional purposes.
Performers may sell recordings, but no other merchandise, during the festival. The library said it cannot handle payments on their behalf and will take no commission on sales, but will provide a table for the selling of recordings. Artists will also receive a stipend of at least $100.
Each performer will be scheduled for a set on either Feb. 8 or Feb. 9.
To apply as a visual artist go to the Ames Public Library’s website.
As part of the visual artist application, the selection committee will review five to 10 pieces for adults or three to five pieces for high school students and all artwork on display should include a title, medium, date completed and cost or labeled as “not for sale.” As part of the application, the library reserves the right to use submissions or to photograph accepted work for publicity.
Library display spaces can best accommodate two-dimensional art and small, 18 inch by 18 inch three-dimensional pieces. The library said it will take all reasonable care in handling and displaying the artwork, but will assume no specific liability in case of damage or theft.
Artists or their agents may choose to sell prints or original pieces selected for display during the festival. The Ames Public Library said it cannot handle payments on behalf of the artist and will take no commission on art sales, but will provide a table for the selling of artwork. Artists will also receive a stipend of $150.
Each artist will be scheduled for a 30 minute block of time to discuss their art with the public on either Feb. 8 or Feb. 9.
The Black Arts and Music Festival show will be on display from Feb. 2 through Feb. 15. Artists are asked to assist in hanging artwork on either Jan. 31 or Feb. 1 and in takedown on Feb. 16. All original art pieces must stay on display for the duration of the show.
The library said while it is not a museum or gallery, it provides many viewing and traffic opportunities. Exhibit spaces are located throughout the building and are fully accessible to the public during regular library hours but are not secured.