Iowa Voter Registration Commission authorizes online registration system

Eric Wirth

The Iowa Voter Registration Commission approved a rule allowing Iowa citizens with a state-issued driver’s license or photo identification to register to vote online, the Associated Press reported Jan. 20.

The Associated Press reported that the current registration system requires voters to fill out a paper form to register to vote. While the IVRC’s decision does not require legislative approval, the system will not be ready until early in 2016.

The new system will allow eligible voters to input their Iowa driver’s license or ID number onto a webpage and from there the system would import the necessary voter information from the Department of Transportation’s files into the voter registration form. The completed registration form would then be automatically transferred to the Iowa voter database.

The decision has sparked opposition from voter rights groups who believe the new system should provide equal access to citizens who do not have a photo ID nor a driver’s license. Those without state-issued identification comprise approximately 7 percent of eligible Iowa voters.

During a public hearing about the system held in December, the American Civili Liberties Union of Iowa expressed concerns that the new system would exclude certain eligible voters such as minorities, those with a low income, and elderly citizens.