News brief
April 27, 1998
Daily Staff Writer
Three finalists were named last week in the ongoing search for a person to fill the new position of vice provost at Iowa State.
The vice provost, a position created by Provost John Kozak, will help integrate and gain visibility for undergraduate programs.
In addition to these duties, the vice provost also will take the duties related to undergraduate education that are performed by Associate Provost Edwin Lewis. Lewis will retire from ISU in December, and the new vice provost will assume his or her three-year term Aug. 16.
The three finalists include Warren Dolphin, professor of zoology and genetics; Jane Peterson, professor of journalism and mass communication; and Howard Shapiro, professor of mechanical engineering and assistant dean for undergraduate programs in the College of Engineering.
Each of the three ISU professors will interview with various campus groups during this week.
From Wednesday through Friday, each candidate will hold a Conversation with Students at 3 p.m. and an Open Forum at 4 p.m. in the Memorial Union. Warren Dolphin will lead the forums on Wednesday, with Jane Peterson scheduled for Thursday and Howard Shapiro scheduled for Friday.