Domestic Violence ALT

Vanessa Franklin

According to the Margaret Sloss Women’s Center, relationship violence (domestic violence, interpersonal violence, or dating violence) is a relationship in which “one person inflicts physical or emotional pain on a partner in order to gain or maintain power and control over their partner.”


Here are 5 tips if you are being abused:


  • If there is any immediate danger, call 911

  • Avoid wearing long necklaces or scarves that could be used to strangle or harm you

  • Have a safety plan and be sure to practice it

  • Keep a bag packed with essentials and important paperwork, such as your driver’s license, spare keys, money, any important legal documents, medication, etc.

  • Fill out a no contact order at the county courthouse


What to do if someone you know if being abused:


  • Don’t shame the victim- the abuse is not their fault and they did not ask to be abused

  • Be open and listen to him/her

  • Don’t pressure them or force them to make any decisions

  • Show them your support by helping them with their safety plan


If you or someone you know if being abused, the number 29-ALERT is a confidential help line that is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week