Concert Review: William Elliott Whitmore

Nicole Presley

William Elliott Whitmore played to a full house Sept. 26 at DG’s Tap House. 

The night began with Brooks Strause and the Gory Details. Their first song was little shaky, but it went little better as their set went on. While they did have a good set, there were a few sound check things that would have improved their performance. 

The drums were a little too loud and made it a little hard to hear anything else. It was also a little hard to hear what the lead singer was saying. Sometimes his words sounded a little muffled. 

Despite these little sound problems, I thought the baritone and tenor saxophone were the best part about the show. Following Brooks Strause and the Gory Details was Adam Faucett. 

Faucett’s band had a laid back feel and a balanced sound. It was also easy to understand what Faucett was singing. This super chill band got cheers and applause after every song. 

Ending the night was William Elliott Whitmore. By the end of Adam Faucett’s set the bar had started to fill up. When Whitmore took the stage, most of DG’s Tap House CQ was filled with people. 

Whitmore’s acoustic show received loud cheers after every song and plenty of the audience members were seen stamping their feet. Whitmore also spent a great deal of his set talking to the crowd and telling stories behind each song.  

DG’s Tap House was packed throughout his whole show. 
