POW/MIA statistics from all U.S. wars
An ISU Air Force ROTC cadet stands as an honor guard on Sept. 19 in the Gold Star Hall of the Memorial Union. The cadet is standing to honor prisoners of war and those missing in action.
September 22, 2014
Prisoners of war and missing soldiers have always been an unfortunate aspect of major conflicts, and the United States has not been immune. Here is the breakdown of the number of prisoners of war and soldiers missing in action for every major U.S. conflict.
American Revolution: POW: 18,152; MIA: 1,426
War of 1812: POW: 20,000; MIA: 695
Mexican War: POW: 46; MIA: 238
Indian Wars, American: POW: 339; MIA: 11
Indian Wars, Native American: POW: 2,958; MIA: 40
Civil War, Union: POW and MIA: 194,743
Civil War, Confederacy: POW and MIA: 214,865
Spanish-American War: POW: 8, MIA: 72
World War I: POW and MIA: 7,470
World War II: POW: 124,079; MIA: 30,314
Cold War Era: MIA: 343
Korean War: POW: 7,140; MIA: 8,025
Vietnam War: POW: 766; MIA: 1,719
U.S.S. Pueblo: POW: 83
Grenada: MIA: 4
U.S.S. Stark: MIA: 1
Persian Gulf War: POW: 29: MIA: 21
Somalia: POW: 6: MIA: 2
Yugoslavia: POW: 3
Official statistics for the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan were unavailable.
Statistics courtesy of gmasw.com/pow_list.htm.
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