Powell: A time to reflect and give praise

By James Powell, [email protected], @james17powell

Assistant Sports Editor James Powell will be graduating with a degree in Supply Chain Management and moving back to Minnesota to work for BlueGrace Logistics as a Carrier Sales Associate.

James Powell

As you may see from my fellow journalists, this platform was granted to each of us as an opportunity to bid farewell to whoever still opens the Daily Dose after they’re done with school for the academic year. 

So I will use this as it was intended, at least for a time.

Thank you to every single person reading this now or anyone who has read any of my content specifically over the three-plus years I’ve written at the Iowa State Daily. I truly have felt lucky to be the lone voice for some sports, and the lone student voice for others.

Covering men’s golf, men’s hockey, soccer, football and men’s basketball have all been unique experiences, and all have culminated in me being a more well-rounded and experienced journalist.

I always knew sports were something I was passionate about, and the Daily has allowed me to indulge in that passion much more than sitting on my couch yelling at professional athletes.

So I hope my stories have left some sort of impact on you. If my writing has brought you even a sliver of the joy the Daily has given me, I’ve done a bang-up job.

Now for the deflecting of praise I am all too good at.

Most likely, you couldn’t pick any of the Daily writers out of a lineup. Their stories pop up in your inbox or on your social media feeds. Maybe you seek them out on the website itself.

But make no mistake. Every single person at the Daily is integral to what the organization aims to do, and has been absolutely pivotal in putting out loads of content each and every day.

It really took until my senior year, when I had the honor of being named one of two assistant sports editors, to truly appreciate all the Daily does. Reporters, editors, professional staff, etc. all play a big role in the organization.

The main point I hope to get across to anyone taking their time to read this far is that the Iowa State Daily is such an important organization for Iowa State students, alumni and fans alike.

It also has an incredible track record of churning out tremendous talent set to enter the professional work force. I’ve seen that as I’ve gotten more involved with the Daily, and now I experience it first-hand with some of my colleagues.

So to Matt, Kylee, Sierra and Omar, my fellow departing editors, thank you for showing me what true rock-stars look like in the student journalism field. You’ve impacted so many people (me included) in ways you may never know.

And to those that will eventually benefit from their aforementioned prowess in the field of journalism, consider yourselves lucky.

Now for the editors and reporters that will continue to build upon the clout created by those who came before them.

The Daily could not be left in better hands. Kate Kealey, next year’s editor-in-chief, cares about journalism and the Daily specifically eons more than me. And that’s saying something.

The sports desk is also being left in plenty capable hands, with Andrew and Hailey taking the reigns from Matt and me next year. Seeing what Hailey has done in such a short time is inspiring to see, and experiencing first-hand how much potential Andrew has, I’m fired up to see what the desk can create next year.

To everyone else, don’t take your time at the Daily for granted. Use the hard, frustrating times as motivation and experience to hone your craft that much more. I’ve seen some of the future and had to go buy a new pair of sunglasses for how bright it is.

So as my time at the Daily comes to a close, it isn’t met with a sense of sadness or longing. I feel lucky to work with so many amazing people, dumbfounded at some of the things I’ve gotten to see and do covering Cyclone athletics.

But most notably, I’m fired up to see what my fellow graduates accomplish outside of the Daily, as well as what the continuing members can do with the foundation set.