Sigma Chi begins demolition, prepares for new facility

The Sigma Chi fraternity house was demolished on July 8 to make way for a new chapter house to be built.

Matthew Rezab

Demolition of the 50-year-old Sigma Chi fraternity house began July 8 to make way for a new $3.55 million housing facility that is set to open in fall 2015.

The new house will increase the living capacity from 30 to 52 chapter members.

“The new facility will be about 17,000 square feet,” said fundraising coordinator Rick Burnett, class of 1975. “The old building was about 13,000 square feet.”

Ryan Van Der Veen, chapter president, said that while some alumni may be nostalgic for the old building, the current members are excited for the future.

“Some of the alumni are torn about the demolition, but not us,” Van Der Veen said. “We’re excited about the new building.”

Burnett has been working on the project since its inception. The fundraising project began in 2009 and has been an ongoing endeavor in the subsequent years.

“It felt like it was time for a new start,” Burnett said. “It’s great to finally be at this milestone.”

Jon Hall, Sigma Chi corporation board president and class of 1991, said most of the funding has come from private contributors.

“Alumni, some families, even wives have donated,” Hall said. “We’ve raised $2 million and the rest will be financed.”

Retaining and attracting members along with modernizing and using lot space more efficiently are all goals of the project.

“We looked into renovating the building,” Hall said. “We wanted a more modern facility that was more cost effective.”

Sigma Chi’s ISU chapter currently has 35 members. Burnett believes that a new building will help with recruitment of new members in the years to come.

“I’m very confident we won’t have any trouble filling the space when it opens,” Burnett said. “This will help us be even more competitive.”

Current residents of the Sigma Chi house have relocated to Larch Hall until the project is complete.