Movie review: “The Quiet Ones”
April 28, 2014
A college professor, his assistants, and one of his students experiment with supernatural entities in the new British horror film “The Quiet Ones.” The film takes place in and near Oxford, England.
In Professor Coupland’s college class, he shows his students a film of a boy who appears to be possessed. But Professor Coupland believes the boy merely caught a rare disease. He then explains to his class that he is working on finding a cure for the “disease.”
One student, Brian, is interested in helping with the research on the “disease.” Professor Coupland agrees to let Brian film one of his experiments.
The experiment subject is a young woman named Jane, who appears to have the same “disease” as the boy from the film Professor Coupland had shown his class. She agreed to be part of Professor Coupland’s experiment because she believed he could save her, and she really did not have anywhere else to turn. Throughout the movie they keep her locked up in a small room by herself at all times.
The funding for the experiment eventually gets cut by the school so Professor Coupland and his assistants move the experiment to a house in the middle of the countryside.
Throughout the rest of this film, Professor Coupland, Brian, and his assistants perform experiments on Jane in an attempt to learn more about her condition in their attempt to cure her. They come across many dark, eerie and unexpected things during the process.
I was highly anticipating this movie for the entire month of April because the trailers for the movie looked pretty good. Too much of the movie was spoiled in the trailers though, so it left me disappointed.
The plot/story did not make much sense to me, either. Things start out pretty normal, and then out of nowhere things escalate very quickly.
Even though it is a horror film, I can not say I felt legitimately anxious or afraid during this movie. There were a few cheesy jump-scares, but other than that this movie was “eh” at best.
I am one who is very picky about the kind of horror films that I will watch, and this is not one that I would recommend to others.