TV Review: Game of Thrones

Jeff Lechner

Some interesting things were happening North of The Wall in this episode, and we also got to see the results of Daenerys’ speech from last episode. Plus we got to see some more Bronn and Jaime training which is always a good thing. 

Now the episode opened with team Daenerys as we saw Grey Worm enter Mereen to help motivate the slaves to revolt.  However the big moment for Daenerys was her choosing to exact revenge/justice on the former masters. But once again we were quickly taken back to Westeros and for the remainder of the episode which was somewhat frustrating.

But luckily the rest of the episode helped make up for it with some great revelations as to the identity/identities of Joffrey’s killers. There also some pretty great scenes with Little Finger, and a particularly poignant scene between Tyrion and Jaime after Bronn guilted him into visiting his brother in jail. 

However North of The Wall is where most of the action was happening this week. We got to see the Night’s Watch preparing for the inevitable wildling assault on Castle Black, which involved more training of recruits, and and shoring up of defenses.  We also got to see Thorne worrying about Jon Snow’s increasing popularity among the men, because as it turns out Night’s Watch commanders are elected by popular vote. 

Meanwhile the mutineers were still continuing to be the worst kind of people, which makes me glad that Jon Snow is leading an excursion to take them all out especially considering they now have Bran his brother Bran making it seem as if a meet-up between Bran and Jon Snow is inevitable. But given this shows penchant for near misses when it comes to people being reunited something could easily go awry.

But it was the end of the episode that was the most shocking but I won’t spoil it, as it is, according to my roommate, a large departure form the books, but it was pretty crazy. All together this was a pretty solid episode with some interesting twists that made it unpredictable even for fans of the books.
