“The Lady in Number 6” Review


The Academy Award winning short-film “The Lady in Number 6” was released in 2013, but for the first time it’s now available for those with a Netflix account.

The film is the story of Alice Herz Sommer, who is the oldest living survivor of the Holocaust. She gives us her story, and explains how music had saved her life during that period.

Alice had always turned to music as an escape from her everyday life. Even just the thought of music would make her smile.

She was a very dedicated and talented pianist. Even at age 109, she plays the piano better than most others out there.

Shortly after being wed to her husband, the Germans came for her and her son to take them to a Concentration Camp. Although most people believed that would be the end of the road for them, Alice kept her head up and managed to keep both her and her son feeling positive throughout the entire situation.

Because Alice and her son were musically talented, the Germans were willing to keep them alive to have entertainment. They managed to survive through the whole thing all thanks to music.

“The Lady in Number 6” is a beautiful and heart-warming short story. The positivity and charismatic nature of the film are truly inspiring. There’s not much else to describe this film besides that. The film left me with feelings of joy and positivity about my own life, and will likely leave you feeling the same.

Unfortunately, Alice passed away at the age of 110. She passed only a week before the Oscars ceremony, and her documentary of her story went on to win the award for Best Short Subject Documentary.

Although she is gone, her spirit lives on. We can all learn something from Alice. From her story, we learn how important it is to have an optimistic outlook on life.

I would highly recommend giving this one a watch, especially if you are feeling down in the dumps.

If you have a Netflix account, it is available for streaming online. Otherwise, you can purchase the film from select stores online.

I give it a 4/5.