Student chosen as state outreach coordinator
March 12, 2014
Breanna Branderhorst has been named the 2014 Farm Credit Services of America outreach coordinator for Iowa. Branderhorst will be working with the program Farm Safety for Just Kids.
The position began in January. The position requires Branderhorst to travel all around Iowa to different towns. She will be presenting a variety of farm safety tips to children ages four through fourteen. Branderhorst also creates public service announcements for the program.
Branderhorst will present a lot over the course of the summer, but throughout the rest of the semester she will give talks sparingly. She coordinated her class schedule to fit the needs of the internship. Her class schedule is flexible both Monday and Fridays.
Branderhorst is also involved in the Iowa State University Meat Judging Team, Block and Bridle, Collegiate FFA, Sigma Alpha Agricultural Sorority, the Alpha Zeta Honors Fraternity and serves as an Iowa State University College of Agriculture Ambassador.
“The biggest challenge will be scheduling and fitting everything in,” said Branderhorst. “But I am prepared, being involved in other clubs has helped.”
Branderhorst is a junior in agriculture and life science education. She grew up on a farm that raised hogs, farrow to finish and she showed cattle. Her family now has a few goats on their property and crops.
In high school, Branderhorst was a part of the FFA Chapter and was required to complete a farm safety training.
“I looked more into farm safety and found the position last summer,” Branderhorst said. “I decided to apply this year.”
Last year Branderhorst was the 4-H outreach coordinator, she made a lot of curriculums and worked with the summer camps. She loves working with kids and the 4-H internship helped her prepare for her current position.
“Teaching is what I want to do, and early field base training has also prepared me for presenting,” said Branderhorst.
The presentations will cover a variety of safety topics. Certain locations have asked for specific material. One presentation that Branderhorst will begin to plan is about rural road safety.
“I am looking forward to working with kids. Teaching them a concept and seeing that they have grasped it is the best part. The environment as well will be exciting,” Branderhorst said.
Farm safety is a concept that all kids need to learn at an early age and Branderhorst is going to be educating the children in a fun and exciting way.
“Breanna is a perfect fit for us,” said Tracy Schlater, marketing director at Farm Safety for Just Kids. “She an outgoing, self-starter with a passion for education and kids. Bre is a terrific asset, not only for advancing farm safety issues, but for the entire ag industry.”
Branderhorst hopes to become an agriculture and life science teacher after graduation and she is willing to teach outside of Iowa if a job opportunity was available.
“I am looking forward to a great year,” Branderhorst said. “And if anyone is looking for a presenter they may contact me at”