Global Gala offers culture experiences

Photo: Yanhua Huang/Iowa State Daily

Urja Rajesh Shah, open-option freshman, performs on stage at the 2013 Global Gala, which was presented by the Student Union Board on Friday, April 5, 2013, in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. 

Dalton Bergan

The Student Union Board will host the Global Gala at 6:30 p.m. March 28 in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.

Global Gala is an annual event put on by SUB that gives student organizations the opportunity to showcase their culture through activities such as fashion, dance and music. This event is free to attend for anyone.

“Global Gala is basically Student Union Board’s way of having different multicultural students and organizations come and work together to perform one event for the student body,” said Kashaan Merchant, freshman in pre-business as well as SUB member and event planner.

Guests can try food from different countries displaying their heritage at the gala. Various student groups and organizations will take turns showing aspects of their culture on the stage in the Great Hall.

“There’s singing, dancing, some years there’s fashion, so there’s a wide variety of what can go on,” said Merchant.

The performances will be the main event of the night. Theater seating will be available near the stage, with round tables in the back for families or guests who are eating. According to Merchant and his partner, Natasha Porizkova, sophomore in public relations, this year’s performances will be worth seeing.

“Performances vary,” said Porizkova. “Last year there were 12. This year there are six, but it’s still going to be a great show.”

Merchant and Porizkova have been working with their adviser to plan this event since early February. Emails were sent to professors, organizations and students wanting to participate, as well as student volunteers willing to help with the event.

Though the food and performances may seem to show the differences between cultures, Merchant and Porizkova said that there is more to it. Students attending the event should look beyond what’s obvious if they want to get the most out of the experience.

“One of the things that I think people tend to focus on, especially when talking about Global Gala, is the diversity,” said Merchant. “While the diversity is awesome, I think the real success in Global Gala is showing how similar we all are.”

Doors will open at 6 p.m. The Global Gala is open to the public, and the Student Union Board encourages students to stop by and experience one of Iowa State’s unique events.