Movie Review: “A Case of You”

Jordan Mains

Are you willing to do anything to get the girl you are madly in love with? “A Case of You” is a romantic comedy about a young man who goes the distance to do just that.

Starring Justin Long and Evan Rachel Wood, “A Case of You” originally premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2013. Recently, it became available on Blu-ray and DVD.

Sam (Justin Long) is just your average guy who makes a living writing books based on popular movies. He prefers doing much of his work in a coffee shop, but it is not just because he enjoys the coffee.

Sam visits the coffee shop every day to see the woman he secretly has a crush on. After gaining some courage to talk to her, he finds out her name is Birdie, but it doesn’t get Sam anywhere in his initial attempts to woo her.

One day, Sam discovers Birdie had been fired from her job for repeatedly being late. Thinking that he may never see the girl of his dreams again, Sam gets pretty down in the dumps. That soon changes when he gets the idea to look Birdie up on Facebook to contact her.

In order to better gain her attention, Sam takes an in-depth look at her profile to find out what she likes to get to know her better. He decides to take up all of her interests based on her Facebook profile in order to become the man of her dreams.

Basically, Sam ends up doing a bunch of things that he just hates. He decides to take up ballroom dancing, judo, drinking bourbon and many other things just to impress the girl he loves.

Things go over pretty well at first with Sam and Birdie, until Sam realizes what he is doing. He realizes he is not being the person that he truly is. He then has to make a decision on whether to keep this act up or to just come clean with Birdie.

I know what you are thinking. It sounds just like any other movie that is a romantic comedy.

Well, honestly, there is not much that makes this movie different from other movies. That does not make it bad, however, as it can be enjoyable if that is what you are in to.

I had a few good laughs and a few parts of the movie I could relate to. Nothing about the movie was over the top, yet it managed to keep me entertained.

It is a decent movie to watch if you are looking to kill some time and enjoy romance or comedy. But do not expect too much out of it.
