Police blotter 11.22.13

Drew Vespestad, 21, 1525 South Grand Ave, Apt 301, was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated at Hyland Ave. and West St. (reported at 1:54 a.m.).

A vehicle driven by Anthony Smith collided with a curb at Haber Road (reported at 4:35 a.m.).

Officers responded to a false fire alarm at Friley Hall. The investigation is continuing (reported at 2:57 a.m.).

Vehicles driven by Camille Schroeder and Theodore Dieckmann were involved in a property damage collision at Edenburn Drive and Stotts Road (reported at 8:42 a.m.). 

Vehicles driven by Joyce Hagley and Tanna Stowe were involved in a property damage collision at Lot 59F (reported at 4:06 p.m.).