Student Government to continue seating senators and at-larges

Speaker Kelsey Culbertson and Vice Speaker Jacob Schrader listen to open forum speakers Sept. 11 during a Student Government meeting.

Cassie Lehmann

At Wednesday night’s meeting, Student Government will be seating at-larges to committees and election commission members, confirming the vice-commissioner and adopting a new Analysis of Social Services Evaluation Team (ASSET) fund.

Student Government plans on seating at-larges to the Student Initiative and Green Initiatives Fund committees and seating Election Commission members, as well as confirming the vice-commissioner.

Iowa State student Elisa Mulkerrin will face approval for the Student Initiative committee and Iowa State students Aline Milach Teixeira and Michael Moreno will face approval for the Green Initiatives Fund Committee for the at-large position on each respective committee. 

Election Commissioner Emily Rizvic and the Election Commission have nominated Iowa State student Hans Mueller to fill the position of vice-commissioner. Mueller will be voted on by the Senate for confirmation. 

Rizvic has also nominated Iowa State students Jessie Bustin and Will Stemler to be confirmed as members of the Election Commission. 

Additionally, Student Government will be reviewing the allowance of Unanimous Consent for Finance and Bylaw Amendment bills.

The bylaws of Student Government currently require all funding bills and bylaw amendments be passed by a roll-call vote. Allowing for unanimous consent would grant a speedier process in handling bills and would still preserve senate members’ rights to call upon a roll call vote.

Student Government is a funder of the Story County ASSET, which distributes funds to human service programs. 

ASSET stated some of the priorities Student Government set at the third session of the last term were confusing. As a result, Student Government will look at adopting a newly revised act for ASSET funding. The bill prioritizes childcare services, services providing aid to victims of sexual assault, services related to Sexual Health and STD prevention, substance abuse prevention and treatment and legal services not provided by Student Legal Services.

For more information or to contact your senator, visit Senate meetings are open to the public 7 p.m. Wednesdays in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.