GSB seats 3 new senators

Dani Berger/Iowa State Daily

Elijah Decious, spoke about representing the United Residents Off-Campus at the GSB meeting Wednesday, Oct. 23. 

Brian Voss

Three new senators were seated on the Government of the Student Body Senate. The seating took place at the Oct. 23rd GSB meeting. 

Megan Black, junior in elementary education, was seated to represent Schilletter/University Village apartments. Black said she is a transfer from Ellsworth Community College where she served as President of the Student Senate.

Sen. Gage Kensler said Black seemed very qualified.

“I think the candidate seemed very qualified when we met with her in rules,” Gage said. 

Bharat Raj Agrawal was seated as a member of the graduate senate. Agrawal is studying aerospace engineering.

Elijah Decious, freshman in political science, was seated as a United Residents Off-Campus senator. Decious said his future career interest was important in accepting the nomination.

”When I was offered this position, I accepted because I thought it was an opportunity I thought I couldn’t pass up given my interest in pursuing a career in public administration and public policy,” Decious said. 

Sen. Danielle Nygard was unanimously conferred to be seated as a member of the Rules Committee. Sen. Zachary Bauer endorsed Nygard.

“She was the only one that saw the rules as black and white. … Rules are in place for a reason, they are not just there for us to follow sometimes and not follow other times,” Bauer said.

Sen. Michael Plantenberg and Sen. Krista Johnson were also nominated to fill the position.

Sen. Michael Debates was unanimously confirmed as a member of the Public Relations Committee. Debates said he has professional experience in public relations.

“With my internship with the wrestling program I have a lot of experience. I’ve dealt with a lot of responsibility PR-wise the last couple years,” Debates said.

Black and Decious were also nominated as members of the committee.

In other news, Special Allocations for 2014 were approved. The bill was over giving a combined $18,000 to Ethos Magazine, the Iranian Students’ and Scholars’ Association, Sir Magazine, Uhuru, and the Up ‘til Dawn- St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

A bill was passed to fund more than $800 for ISU Raas, a multicultural dance group on campus. The bulk of that money was allocated for costumes for performances.

In a vote of 27-0-1, $502 was allocated to Iowa State’s radio station, KURE, from the Senate Discretionary fund to update copyright and licensing fees.