ISU Theatre spells quirky humor with ‘The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee’

Courtesy of Christopher Culver

Students with ISU Theatre will present “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” this November at Fisher Theater.

Liz Cleaveland

A Broadway hit and recipient of a Tony Award is “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.” The “Bee” started as an improvisational play and was later turned into a scripted musical full of quirky characters struggling to spell their given words.

Before its Tony Award and great success, the show was a skit performed by a small group of actors and was entitled “C-R-E-P-U-S-C-U-L-E,” which means “twilight” in Old French.

A unique feature of this play is its use of improvisation as a form of engaging the audience. Before the show, four audience members are asked to participate in the spelling bee.

“They have to spell words and they don’t know what words are given. Some people are given easy words and some of them are really hard … words that no one could spell so that no one feels foolish,” said Jane Cox, director of the show and of the theater program.

While attending, you will notice that many of the actors are required to play multiple characters. Although it seems like a challenge for the actors, Cox assures they are up for the task.

“It’s part of the setup of the script [for an actor to play several characters] and I think they really, really enjoy it because it’s a challenge to be a kid in one scene and a parent in another,” Cox said.

Christopher Culver, freshmen in music, has had no experience with juggling multiple characters but finds it interesting.

“It is a bit tough to switch quickly and convincingly from one part to the other, but I am excited for the challenge and feel that I am managing it well so far, especially since the characters are all so distinct from each other,” Culver said.

Carter Roeske, junior in performing arts, is no stranger of playing two characters. Roeske has performed in “Avenue Q” and “The Musketeers” at his old school in Minnesota.

“Playing two characters is always a challenge especially when I don’t get to leave the stage in between,” Roeske said. “It is however a lot of fun.”

Benjamin Moews, senior in materials engineering, was also one of the chosen cast to play two different characters. Moews has enjoyed developing his characters and working with the other performers for this comedic musical.

“Although we have been rehearsing now for about five weeks, it never gets old and every night has been a blast. I could not ask for a more funny and talented cast to be a part of,” Moews said.

His primary character for the play is Chip, a former winner of the spelling bee.

“My main character, Chip, has been a fun one to play and I have had a good time reaching into my past and drawing from some of my childhood experiences to create this character,” Moews said.

Even though Chip’s ill-timed puberty will provide plenty of comic relief, the play is given another character played by Moews whose name, Jesus Christ, adds another dose of quirkiness.

“While it is only a small, secondary part only in one scene, I try to bring as much depth to the role I can, and I believe it adds a fun bit of comedy as well,” Moews said.

Cox, Culver, Roeske and Moews agree that “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” will be fantastic and one the audience truly enjoys.

What: “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee”

When: Nov. 1, 2, 8 and 9 at 7:30 p.m.; Nov. 3 and 10 at 2 p.m.

Where: Fisher Theater

Cost:  Adults $18, seniors $16, students $10.