CyGuide: Letter from GSB president Spencer Hughes

You’re about to embark on one of the most exciting, enriching, and just plain fun adventures of your life. This is one of the best places in the world. Hope you’re ready for it!

As the student body president, I want to be sure that you know the Government of the Student Body (GSB) is here to support you. GSB represents all students, advocates on their behalf to administrators and government officials, and provides financial support to many student organizations. Come visit us in the West Student Office Space of the Memorial Union.

Now, I’m sure that you have already heard most of the typical college advice by this point—stuff like “Get involved,” “Treat college like a full-time job,” “Leave your dorm room open,” etc. Don’t get me wrong, it’s all good, but doesn’t it start to sound like a broken record at some point?

Here’s some advice, student to student, that I wish I had heard before going through orientation: Get to know the Cyclone Aides. They are real Iowa State students with real student experiences. They also know everything that there is to know about this place. Talk to them and make new friends during your orientation. They are the most useful part of this two-day experience.

Keep that in mind, and I’ll close with the words of Dr. Tom Hill: “Welcome to Iowa State University. You made the right choice!”

Spencer Hughes

President, Government of the Student Body