

Honors students will participate in the Spring 2013 University Honors Poster Presentation on Thursday in the Great Hall of Memorial Union from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Among the presenters will be graduating seniors and some of the freshman that participated in this spring’s freshman mentor program.

This poster presentation tradition began in the fall of 1984. The Honors program puts on one per semester. Students are present to take questions about their projects, on which some of them spend more than a year putting together. This semester, approximately 125 projects will be presented.

Topics covered by the students’ research include on-campus living and homesickness for women in STEM fields, influence of wind turbines on the atmospheric surface layer, how to eat out in France, catalyst testing for oil-eating bacteria used in bioremediation of oil spills, prevention strategies for victims of cyber bullying and hazing in the Russian military.

The program is free to attend, and refreshments will be served.