Movie Review – Paper Edition – Star Trek Into Darkness

Nick Hamden

“Star Trek Into Darkness” couldn’t have picked a better weekend in May to release. A few weeks after “Iron Man 3,” so its hype would die down, and right before the onslaught that is Memorial Day weekend. But, just because it maximized its earning potential doesn’t mean it maximized its awesome potential.

“Into Darkness” returns the entirety of the crew from the first film three years ago. After a few terrorist sized explosions, it turns out the big bad guy is a former Star Fleet officer, John Harrison, who has escaped to the planet Kronos, home of the Klingons. You don’t have to be a Trekkie to know that the Klingons are serious business. This leaves the Starship Enterprise with the dangerous task of retrieving/killing Mr. Harrison without starting intergalactic war.

Despite not being an original fan, I love the latest iteration of “Star Trek.” The nods and homages to the original are plenty, the action and morality is heavy, and it opens up so much potential for the future. I would have liked to bigger roles for all the crew members personally, especially the most important crew member, Chekov. I suggest watching it in 3D and to avoid anything about it on the internet for a much better experience.
