Letter to the editor: Ethos cover story reinforces myths

Ashley Hand

On the cover of the Spring 2013 issue of Ethos, there is a caption that states, “Open mind recommended for effective use of this product.” I find it interesting that the editors of Ethos request this of their readers, but not of their writers. The cover story is about Bubu Palo, an ISU athlete who was charged with sexual assault, with the charges eventually dropped. Although a compelling story, this piece serves the unintended consequence of reinforcing several very prevalent myths within our culture. Notably, I found the article to echo the incorrect ideas that individuals who are kind and charming cannot rape, the criminal justice system always works, and those who report sexual assault are often lying. I challenge the writers of this magazine to more critically reflect on how the media influences and shapes attitudes within our culture. Additionally, I call for a higher standard of journalism that has the ability to recognize, digest, and adequately represent the complex issue of sexual abuse, rather than portray it as a one-sided, cuddly human-interest piece.