Letter to the editor: Riots not time-honored tradition

The Iowa State Daily’s editorial on Monday, “Exercise your rights this Veishea,” missed the mark when it described rioting and property damage as “Veishea traditions almost as time-honored as cherry pies.”

Time-honored is an adjective describing something that is revered, respected and/or accepted over a long period of time. The serious Veishea-related incidents that have occurred over the past 25 years were none of those things. They were violent, irresponsible acts that continue to threaten one of Iowa State’s oldest and most beloved traditions, as well as put the safety of our community and the reputation of Iowa State and our students at risk.

There’s nothing honorable about that.

I urge you to support your fellow students who have worked so hard over the past year to plan a successful, enjoyable and safe Veishea. It’s an opportunity for us to come together to celebrate the university and each other at our very best. Iowa Staters shouldn’t accept anything less.